Hourly Weather Forecast API Builder

The WxData™ Hourly Weather Forecast API provides direct hourly weather forecast data for nearly 30,000 cities across the U.S. The API returns all provided weather forecast elements or only those that meet your needs. For all format parameters Click Here.

Parameter Value Type Needed Description
version string Required 1.0
location string Required 5 digit zip code (EG 10001) or latitude longitude point (EG: 40.7829N+73.9654W) of desired location click here for zip code locations
date string Required Start date range (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS) (2018-03-26T00:00:00)
enddate string Required End date range (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS) (2018-03-28T00:00:00)
units string Required Imperial / U.S. standard or metric units ("e" imperial or "m" metric)
temp string Optional Ambient surface temperature ("1" yes, return) ("0" no, do not return, default)
dewpt string Optional Dew point ("1" yes, return) ("0" no, do not return, default)
rh string Optional Relative humidity ("1" yes, return) ("0" no, do not return, default)
hi string Optional Heat index ("1" yes, return) ("0" no, do not return, default)
wc string Optional Wind chill ("1" yes, return) ("0" no, do not return, default)
wind string Optional Wind speed ("1" yes, return) ("0" no, do not return, default)
wind_deg string Optional Wind direction in degrees ("1" yes, return) ("0" no, do not return, default)
wind_gust string Optional Wind gust ("1" yes, return) ("0" no, do not return, default)